VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs



21 February – 26 February 2022
Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 3:00 – 7:00pm
By appointment: please mail to underland.collective@gmail.com

Rosie Benn, Helen Emily Davy, Elizabeth Ward

In this time of increasing degradation of the environment and its lives, when common narratives lead to destruction and domination, it is easy to feel debilitated by a sense of doom. The Underland Collective is interested in reflecting on ‘apocalypse’ in the original Greek meaning ἀποκάλυψις. Here apocalypse means ‘revelation’ and ‘an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling’.  Part of their time together will be holding space for hopes and fears during the unfolding of now. 

While the atelier of the VBKÖ is an attic, the Underland Collective will treat it like our root cellar in the sky. A place to gather and collect nutrients for the times ahead. They will create a research environment which considers disappearing and reappearing women, regenerative practices, immunity building, apocalyptic thought, poetics and somatics, care, séances, transitioning, ethics, abundance vs scarcity mindset, and the portal possibilities of times of the day and of the year. Through their tending, composting, and gathering of research they will create a space to invite others into and with which to record a podcast at dawn. Taking the podcast to be the modern equivalent of the pirate radio station, they wish to record a show, a story, a science fiction, and a visualisation of alternative possibilities now and for the future. 

The Underland Collective is interested in the figure of the Vanishing Woman as an archetype for possibility, a figure that slips in and out of both our vision and comprehension. She alone is able to pass through the portal to see another world upon which we can only speculate. In the first recorded instance of this act in 1886, the assistant Mlle. Patrice stated she wished to be sent to Arcadia, an idyll of harmony with nature. If the glamorous assistant could speak, what lessons could she tell us from the other side? What news from beyond the veil? Currently, in unison as a society the Underland Collective performs rituals of distance, in order to practice very necessary care for each other. Yet some of our longest partners/co-operators are always here, even if out of sight. They can be thought of bodily or internally, as well as in relation to societal ecosystems.

In regenerative agriculture, the aim, rather than simply to manure plants, is to feed the soil life, to create a thriving and diverse foundation for fruits and other delights to grow and ripen. With the collected experiences and diverse material such as sound, drawing, costume and movement sequence, the Underland Collective will generate a microbiome. The portal acts as the meeting point as well as the relationship between the material and the hosts, permanent and visiting, as a collective – the holobiont. With this in mind, their root cellar in the sky will reflect on cohabitation and interdependencies which influence our collective immunities and calls for a culture of care. 



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