VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs


Austrian Association of Women Artists (VBKÖ)
Maysedergasse 2/28, 4. floor (elevator available)
1010 Vienna

Office hours:
Friday and Saturday
1 – 6 pm 

Opening hours of the space:
Friday and Saturday
2 – 6 pm (please check exhibition times + dates for additional days)

The VBKÖ is accessible by buggy and wheelchair users. 
Unfortunately, our toilet is currently not wheelchair accessible, as it is too narrow (due to architectural set-up).
The closest accessible bathroom is at Karlsplatz subway station (usage fee 50 cents).

We apologize for this structural deficit and are looking into fixing it in the future.

Email: info@vbkoe.org
For archive inquiries: archiv@vbkoe.org


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