VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs

WE ARE THE TEXT: The Body Of The Audience: An Exhibition by Lilo Nein

Lilo Nein

An exhibition about the speech of texts and documents regarding performance, about the materiality of the bodies and acts, as well as that of those performing in the space.

Performers: Kerstin Olivia Schellander, Lena Wicke-Aengenheyster

Opening with durational performances:
June, 19th 7pm


June, 20th – July, 3rd, by appointment only

June, 28th 7pm

VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs
Maysedergasse 2/4. Stock
1010 Wien

Lilo Nein works on the relationship between text and performance. Within this interplay and fields of tension, her works deal with questions of authorship, subject constitution, documentation and the archiving of performances. In addition to various artistic works, the publications, TRANSLATE YOURSELF! A Performance Reader for Staging (2009), and THE PRESENT AUTHOR. Who Speaks in Performance? (2011), have been developed to shed light on the topic.

Siegerperformance – Eine Aneignung
Lilo Nein, Neuer Kunstverein Wien, 2011

Fotos: Nils Olger
Im Bild/Performerinnen: Paula Pfoser, Lilo Nein, Miriam Salzer

sehen und aufgenommen werden
Lilo Nein in Kooperation mit Miriam Raggam, 2009

Erste Tanznacht Wien, Tanzquartier Wien in Kooperation mit Brut Wien

Fotos: Martina Nowak
Im Bild/Performerin: Paula Pfoser


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