Translocal Archives
Opening: 28. Juni 2019, 19h
Exhibition duration: 29. Juni –14. Juli 2019
Opening hours: Do–So 14-19Uhr
Vida Bakondy / Amila Širbegović, Shabnam Chamani
Irene Lucas, Marie Willmann, Hyeji Nam, Tatia Skhirtladze
Natalie Deewan, Andi Dvorak, Philipp Harder, Tomash Schoiswohl
Sabine Frühstück, Rosa Wiesauer Nina Geschl / Fabio Otti Teresa Kurzbauer / Lena Baur / Rebecca Goldschmidt
Pia Nagl / Laura Molnar
Georg Reiter / Veronica Schramek
Rafiqul Shuvo / Ruby Sircar
Curated by:
Simonetta Ferfoglia, Heinrich Pichler und Ruby Sircar
In this second phase and after the “Translocal Scores” at the temporary Project Space Gumpendorferstrasse 6, the exhibition is moving into the site of the VBKÖ – Association of Austrian Female Artist.
Here the new or, in relation to the altered referencial conditions, newly formulated contributions articulate strategies of observation, tradition and activation. At the same time they communicate comprehensively via the immanent topic of translation between contexts of provenance, class and gender, between languages, imaginaries and forms of action. The works pick up strategical inventions and dispositives, that are able to override distances – in a conceptual field, but as well in very concrete forms of translocality as a spacial/temporary dimension. It is essential to encourage shaping of environments through citizen engagement, while transcending traditional boundaries of the artfield. In that respect, a mutual exchange with the rich archive of the VBKÖ is as well subject to the exhibition as the discoursive moments and community activities, city walks and interventions in public space, that make up a constituent part of the “Translocal Archives”.
As accompanying programme to the exhibition, a city walk in 1050 Vienna with Natalie Deewan and Tomash Schoiswohl, the film programme “Mehrgenerationenunternehmen”, curated by Rafiqul Shuvo and Ruby Sircar, a screening of the video programme “Transcending Fantasy, curated by Rosa Wiesauer, and a curator’s guide with Vida Bakondy / Amila Širbegović will take place. The events are going to be announced seperately.
30. June 2019, 11-14:00
Phraseology – The Migrating Museum, Workshop with Irene Lucas
04. July 2019, 19h:00
Transcending Fantasy, Video Screening, curated by Rosa Wiesauer
12. July 2019, 18:00
Fluchtpunkt Wien, Curators’ talk with Vida Bakondy/ Amila Širbegović
13. July 2019, 16:00
Stadtrundgang 1050 Wien, with Nathalie Deewan und Tomash Schoiswohl

an exhibition in two phases as part of the Creative Europe project “New Mappings of Europe”, a cooperation of Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art and Muzej Jugoslavie Beograd

New Mappings of Europe is a two-year collaborative project of four art and cultural institutions from Serbia, Slovenia, Austria and the United Kingdom, which generates knowledge about the migrants’ cultural heritage in Europe and makes cultural and art institutions more accessible to minoritarian communities of the first and second generations of migrants as well as to more recent groups of immigrants. The project will consist of co-curated exhibitions, that are not organized for these communities, but are generated in a collaborative process.
The Institute for Education in the Arts / Fashions and Styles has been analysing and interpreting spacial, social and economic developments by examinig translocal collections, respectively accumulations, of material culture throughout the past two years. This context is successively being widened by artistic positions, partnering institution, activists and communities, and is acting out interventions in critical urban zones. The results are sub-curated bodys of works, participative projects, community-oriented events and I research-based forms of representation.
project partners: VBKÖ, Wiener Linien, Gewista, Wienmuseum, 5erHaus, Verein Wiener Jugendzentren, Avantgarde Properties
detail planning and production: Woodworkshop Vienna / Andreas Radlinger
assistence: Eszter Korodi
Thanks to Elke Gaugele and the Team at IKL, as well as the board of the VBKÖ