VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive – VBKÖ Edition

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive – VBKOE Edition


Workshop, October 7, 12am-5pm

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive (LA) – LA Reading Room workshop on Feminist Archiving Methods, with/by Red Min(e)d
from 5pm: Feminist Happy Hour!

Exhibition Opening, October 11, 7pm

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive (LA) – LA Exhibition_ VBKOE_edition

The exhibition runs until October 21

LA Reading Room, collaborative installation

LA Audio/Video Booth, documentation of the artists‘ talks, presentations, discussions and interviews generated as part of the LA exhibitionLABs

LA Perpetuum Mobile, documentation on/of art works, texts, books, etc.

Blic Jackpot newspaper, surrogate/re-print of Blic newspaper by Borjana Mrdja

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive (LA) continuously takes and uses artistic, creative and research means to create an interactive space that consists of a contemporary art exhibition, laboratory and public archive.

The concept – referring to the (post)Yugoslav space and beyond – is motivated by the feminist strategies of creating and processing a public and transformative archive through art, theory and practice. All LA-editions are produced by an exhibition laboratory (with “work stations” such as the Audio/Video booth, where live artist talks, discussions and interviews are documented and presented; the Perpetuum Mobile – a continuously growing video art compilation as well as documentation of works of other art media; the Reading room, where the LA-questionnaire on feminism and art is filled out and discussed and book presentations happen) through an interactive contemporary art exhibition conceptualized around emerging societal subjects.

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive activities in Vienna will take place at the VBKOE and at Open Systems, Zentrum für Kunstprojekte (OS). While at the VBKOE a collaborative installation based on the LA on-line questionnaire on feminism and resulting from the LA Reading Room-Workshop, the LA Audio/Video Booth-documentation, Perpetuum Mobile documentation and Blic Jackpot newspaper by Borjana Mrdja will be on display; the exhibition at the Open Systems will feature artists Andreja Kulunčić (Zagreb), Meta Grgurevič und Urša Vidic (Ljubljana), Borjana Mrdja (Banja Luka) and additional LA-„work stations“ (the Perpetuum Mobile video compilation and other elements of the LA exhibitionLAB.

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive (LA) – LA Reading Room workshop on Feminist Archiving Methods, with/by Red Min(e)d

Sunday, October 7, 12am-2pm, 3-5pm*

Departing from the LA on-line questionnaire (http://bringintakeout.wordpress.com/questionnaire) dealing with feminism, contemporary art and methodology of archiving, as well as from introductory theoretical concepts the aim of the workshop is to create a social situation of the knowledge transfer, produced and represented by a collaborative art work with Vienna based artists, curators and students, the mind map installation of a ‘living’ knowledge.

The workshop is free of charge and invites especially artists, theorists, activists and all those who are interested in feminism, contemporary art, as well as socially and politically engaged art practices. For more information and workshop registration please write to bringintakeout@gmail.com.

*In the break 2-3pm there will be Snacks&Drinks.

Followed by a Feminist Happy Hour with D-I-Y cocktails and a Feminist Juke Box from 5pm on.

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive (LA) – Exhibition_VBKOE_edition


Exhibition Opening, October 11, 7pm**

The exhibition runs until October 21

LA Reading Room, collaborative installation resulting from the LA Reading Room workshop on feminist archiving Methods (see above)

LA Audio/Video Booth, documentation of the artists‘ talks, presentations, discussions and interviews generated as part of the LA exhibitionLABs, 2011-2012

Moving from the focus on the relational politics between feminism, contemporary art and the post/Yugoslav space (LA 1st edition at the REDacting: Trans-Yugoslav Feminism’s gathering in Zagreb, Oct. 2011), through feminist ways of creating an archive as a living knowledge of everyday life (LA 2nd edition at the “Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns” in Ljubljana, March 2012), to the social articulation of the self-sustaining public space within the commons (LA 3rd edition in Sarajevo, Sept. 2012); LA created a public archive of artists’ talks, presentations, discussions and interviews with the participating artists, theoreticians, activists and curators: Ana Čigon (Ljubljana), Nika Autor (Ljubljana/Vienna), Ana Vilenica (Belgrade), Vesna Leskošek (Ljubljana), Tea Hvala (Ljubljana), Mojca Dobnikar (Ljubljana), Madina Tlostanova (Moscow), Lina Dokuzović (Vienna), Ljiljana Raičević (Podgorica) Flaka Haliti (Prishtina/Frankfurt), Vesna Bukovec (Ljubljana), Vjollca Krasniqi (Prishtina), Selena Savić (Belgrade), Ida Hiršenfelder (Ljubljana), Vahida Ramujkić (Belgrade), Aviv Kruglansky (Barcelona), Karen Mirza (London), Tina Smrekar (Ljubljana), Biljana Kašić (Zagreb), Jelena Petrović (Belgrade/Ljubljana), Tanja Marković (Belgrade), Margareta Kern (London). The LA Audio/Video Booth is continuously growing by new material from LA editions in different cities.

LA Perpetuum Mobile, documentation on art works
Perpetuum Mobile is a compilation of video works as well as some other digitized art projects (photos, comics, texts). It is constantly growing and operates on the basis of a continuous open call, invitation and experts’ or friends’ suggestions: (http://bringintakeout.wordpress.com/open-calls/perpetuum-mobile).

While at the Open Systems there will be screenings of Perpetuum Mobile videos, at the VBKÖ will be on display the Perpetuum Mobile documentation: text by Dunja Blažević (Sarajevo), text and photo documentation by Alenka Spacal (Ljubljana), books by Ivana Pantelić (Belgrade), Svetlana Slapšak (Ljubljana), Ana Vilenica (Belgrade), Damir Arsenijević (Tuzla), Jelena Petrović (Ljubljana/Belgrade), posters by Tanja Ostojić (Belgrade/Berlin), photo documentation by Nela Milić (London), Jelena Jureša (Novi Sad), Vanja Bučan (Amsteradam/Maribor), video stills by Marina Gržinić (Ljubljana/Vienna) and Aina Šmid (Ljubljana), Maja Bajević (Sarajevo), drawings by Jovana Komnenić (Pančevo/Berlin) and Vesna Bukovec (Ljubljana), comics by Nikoleta Marković (Rijeka), a film by Maja Prettner (Murska Sobota), collages by Dragana Mladenović (Belgrade/Pančevo), an internet browser by Lina Dokuzović, and a poem by Andreja Dugandžić. As it is an ongoing process, new materials and works are continuously being added.

Blic Jackpot newspaper, surrogate/re-print of Blic newspaper by Borjana Mrdja
BLIC is a daily (tabloid) press made in Serbia (as a part of Ringier Axel Springer, a leading integrated multimedia company in Central and Eastern Europe), but distributed all over the postYugoslav space as well as widely within the postYugoslav diaspora in Europe. BLIC is notorious for its page 7, where texts on political issues are published alongside photographs of completely or partly nude anonymous women, tagged with commentaries addressing the content of the news or relating to political discourse. Not only women images, also the commentaries have mostly pornographic connotations. Next to the anesthetization of governmentality, we thus notice also its pornographization. How does the body – and specially the female body, as a paradigm of controlled, dispossessed body – relate to governmentality and how does governmentality control bodies via the subordination of a paradigmatic body? In a series of works, Borjana Mrdja explores through different media the story of subordinated bodies by a collage adaptation of a powerful photographic and film method: the blow-up. The supposedly “political” content of the newspaper/background is thus rendered subsidiary, completely or partly illegible and evacuated by blown-up female nudes. In a post-porn manner Borjana Mrdjas work thus exposes the intrinsic interconnection between governmentality and its (ab)use of regulation of desire. Another work from the series Blic Jackpot (Blic Jacpot Paintings) will be put on display at the Open Systems.


**Parallely to the exhibition opening at the VBKOE, there will be the opening of The Bring In Take Out Living Archive (LA) – LA exhibition_Open Systems _edition at the Zentrum für Kunstprojekte Open Systems (Lassingleithnerplatz 2
, 1020 Vienna).


Borjana Mrdja holds a MA in Painting from the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she works as an assisting teacher. Body is the central focus of her artistic practice, which she articulates within different media: paintings, drawings, video, video performance, installation and distributive installation. Borjana Mrdja presented her work within curatorial projects such as Spa Port, Banja Luka; Terminal 00, London; Open City, aMAZElab Art&Culture, Sarajevo, Tirana, Skopje, Milan; Not So Distant Memory, New York and elsewhere. She was in addition awarded several awards by the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka and was nominated for the ZVONO award.

The initiator of The Bring In Take Out Living Archive is the feminist curatorial group Red Min(e)d: Danijela Dugandžić Živanović, Katja Kobolt, Dunja Kukovec and Jelena Petrović. Coming from different backgrounds (feminist theory, contemporary art, cultural production and activism) and from different places (Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Belgrade and Munich), they live and work at the crossroads of common understanding and methods of researching, (re)presenting, curating and mediating contemporary art.

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive open calls

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive is a collaborative art project that is grounded on the principles of sharing, exchange, commons, and collective vs. individual knowledge. With different open calls we are looking for information, documentation of artworks and artworks of women and feminist artists from the (post)Yugoslav space and beyond: http://bringintakeout.wordpress.com/open-calls/

With the kind collaboration of:

CRVENA Association for Culture and Art, Sarajevo
MINA Institute for Socially Engaged Art and Theory, Ljubljana

Supported by:

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