VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs

Rituals of Queer Relatedness


November 10, 2023

Opening: 14.00 
Guided Tour-Performance: 19.30
Film Screening: 20.15
Conversation and Q&A: 21.30

Masha Godovannaya and Polina Zaslavskaya

This one-day exhibition with an evening event Rituals of Queer Relatedness is a meeting point of two diasporic queer-feminist artists, Masha Godovannaya and Polina Zaslavskaya. It traces their continuous cross-conversation about migration and refuge, fleeting hybrid identities of being the Other and being with the Others. It’s a conversation about alienation and non\belonging – in another country or in its own context, strategies of survival and bashing back social death. It’s a reflection on one’s own corporeal experience of migrating from art/cinema traditions to multiple aesthetic elsewheres, and about processes of documenting and working with queer evidence. It’s a space where the impulse of inquiry into queer aesthetics and the potentiality of queer diasporic practices is ephemerally grasped and performed. How to talk about pain and losses? How to talk about continuous displacement and uprootedness? In Masha’s and Polina’s case, the rituality of artistic engagement with each other is one way to proceed. And this invitation – to participate in a ritual of relatedness for one evening – is extended to others: to join, share, and affectively labor for one another.

The exhibition will be open on Nov. 10th from 2 pm till 10 pm.
The evening will consist of a performative guided tour through the exhibition; a screening of Masha Godovannaya’s feature film “Countryless and Queer” (2020), a poetic video essay about non-privilege queer migration in Vienna, and a conversation between two artists and the audience.

photo credits © Marisel Bongola

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