VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs

Feminist Percussion Workshop

Wednesday, November 1st, 15:00 – 17:00
with Roberta Leono & Diana Sanmiguel
(La Perla, La Sonora Mazurén)

This workshop is oriented to FLINTA people interested in participating in a community practice of
percussion, singing and dancing. Previous experience is NOT necessary.

Bullerengue is a traditional rhythm, born and practiced in the Colombian Caribbean Coast. Its
origin is directly linked to the African heritage, that is why percussion has a great protagonism, and
together with voice and dance make up the inseparable triad of this community practice.
Unlike other musical ensembles, bullerengue is more than a staging, it is an exercise of community
creation that reaffirms and strengthens bonds. All participants join in the choruses that are
repeated throughout the song and clap their hands to keep time.
The bullerengue has three rhythms that compose it: bullerengue sentao, chalupa and fandango. In
this workshop we will show the bases of the three rhythms in the percussion of the tambor alegre,
the llamador, the palmas and the maracas. In addition, there will be practical exercises in voice, as
well as the dance that accompanies each of the rhythms.

The workshop will be given by Diana Sanmiguel Martínez and Roberta Léone (Giovanna Mogollón
León), singers and percussionists of recognized projects in Bogota and Colombia and researchers of
the traditional gaita and bullerengue music of the traditional gaita and bullerengue music of the
Colombian Caribbean coast.

Diana Sanmiguel is a professional in International Relations and cultural manager. Her trajectory as
a musician is as long as her trips to the territories where she has studied directly with the masters
and teachers and where she has perfected her techniques and knowledge. She has been part of
Cumbelé, Nelda Piña y sus tambores, and other groups focused on Caribbean percussion. She
currently sings, raps and plays percussion in La BOA, La Perla and La Sonora Mazurén.
Roberta Léone is a sociologist and cultural manager. She has participated in several proposals of
traditional bagpipes, winning in the Ovejas and San Jacinto Festivals. For 7 years she worked with
the Bogota group of sung dances Aguasalá, and for the last 9 years she has been part of La Perla in
percussion. Currently, he is also percussionist of La Sonora Mazurén, La Rueda and El Conjunto

Time: 2 hours
-No previous experience necessary
-If attendees have access to a drum (conga, djembe) they are welcome to bring them to the space,
as well as wide skirts to learn the movement.

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