dearest poster lovers and aficionados of bold words,
we are approaching the finale grande
and call you from the bottom of our newly folded pornigami souls
to come together for a last blast of poster creation
and celebration of glory holes
withstand the grey schmeer and the narcotic freeze
lets bring fucking winter on its knees
dearest poster lovers and aficionados of bold words,
we are approaching the finale grande and call you from the bottom of our newly folded pornigami souls to come together for a last blast of poster creation and celebration of glory holes withstand the grey schmeer and the narcotic freeze lets bring fucking winter on its knees
’cause when the sun
forgot to shine
we will be there for you
the last time
we will start the fete with a tribute
and it will be all about the Vereinigung and the Künstlerinnen
gang bang and autonomy
eine band sein und ein band sein
we want it all
and we want it now
lets dig for lost histories
reclaim buried movements and moments
unravel mysteries
then, when the moon is out
lets merge our precious minds and
smash our 100 ultimative wishes into universes face!
ride with us on dragons’ backs
through the cold old world
to the coasts where fortune cookies crack
and fortunate creatures give us their toasts
to wish the grand lady VBKOE good luck and friendly ghosts
the dragon ride includes a fabulous fortune gugelhupf and a yellow lentil mess and as always 9 rules:
1 we’ll never die, we’ll multiply
2 shine bright
3 know your fight
4 join the dragon ride
5 eat your fortune
6 shout out loud
7 eine band sein
8 alle in die Wunschmaschine rein
9 dress as you wish but don’t forget the dragon
the last and longest poster club will take place
this Saturday February 26 at 3pm
it will open its work floor early
come by and join in whenever you want
we will stay late into the sizzling, dizzying dark
at the extraordinary VBKOE:
Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen
Maysedergasse 2 (4. Stock)
1010 Wien
come in great numbers
because as the great PA already suggested
no music, no felicity forever
(and no eternal love)
we’ll meet again
where the wild things are